Colour Harmony Journey

When you wear your true colours, your experience of life transforms

Claudia with client during colour analysis

Discover the colours that raise your vibration, make you feel good, and bring out the best in you.

The Colour Harmony Journey is a one to one bespoke online session. You will receive a comprehensive colour analysis, a beautiful PDF outlining your best colours and a live Zoom call with my guidance and practical tips to make the best of your results.

Benefits of a Colour Harmony Session

  • Dressing becomes a breeze

    Knowing your best colours transforms the way you shop, making it easier and stress-free. Imagine waking up each morning, confident in what suits you, with a wardrobe filled with fewer, versatile pieces that are easy to combine. Dressing becomes a breeze, and you’ll experience a newfound sense of ease in your daily life.

    (It is not another fashion tool or an excuse to buy more stuff.) 

  • Express your true essence effortlessly through color

    After significant transformations, you may find that your current clothes no longer reflect your true self. Perhaps your weight has changed, or you feel the desire to align your outer appearance with the internal shifts you've experienced. This is a time to embrace authenticity and step away from trends, choosing clothes you genuinely love rather than simply blending in.

  • You will reduce and declutter your wardrobe

    With fewer, well-matched pieces, you’ll experience a new ease in your daily routine. Choosing what to wear feels intuitive, and empowering.

    And you don’t have to throw out all the clothes in your wardrobe. There are tricks and hacks to combine some of your favourite items even though they might not be in your true colours. 

  • Elevate your appearance, mood and confidence

    Wearing colours that truly resonate with you can have a transformative impact. When colours harmonise with your unique skin tones, natural hair and eye colour, your energy uplifts your mood and empowers you as you go through your day. Surrounding yourself with colours you love adds positivity to your environment, setting a tone of well-being from the inside out.

get your colour analysis online

During my own journey of inner transformation, I felt a strong need for my outer world to reflect the changes within.

It was a process of decluttering, simplifying, and choosing only what genuinely resonated with me—including colours that felt authentic. 

Like many women experiencing the physical changes of the body through menopause, I found it vital to dress in a way that reflected my true self. 

This offer is about empowering you to embrace your journey of self-discovery and authenticity through colours.

Practical information

The virtual colour analysis includes a comprehensive 40-page PDF outlining your best colors. Once I’ve completed your analysis, we’ll have a 30 minutes zoom call to discuss your personalized colours and I’ll provide practical tips on how to combine these colors effectively to enhance your natural beauty. The price for the session is 150USD/198SGD. 

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